Almost Heaven? Not Quite

Yesterday’s post on cars sure got Fusion followers waxing nostalgic. If you haven’t weighed in with your earliest car memories, then please feel free to do so. Hal did, and just to bring the point home, so to speak, he sent us a picture of the now-famous ’66 Plymouth Valiant, customized for those long cattle drives home along congested Houston freeways:


Today, I’m duct-taping together a 10-year-old Toyota van with 165,000 miles on it, saying a prayer, and heading to the Land of No Computers, a place where the electronics are still circa 1975 (and I’m not taking a laptop). That’s right, we’re off to grandma’s house in Virginia.

There, people eat apple butter and toast with their morning coffee, read “who-dun-what-to-whom” in the weekly edition of the Franklin County News Post, and come evening, sit on the front porch and carry on honest-to-goodness live conversations while watching the evening storms blow in.

Almost heaven? Not quite. That’s the other Virginia (the faux one). I’m talking about the real thing.

  1. Mike the Eyeguy

    Y’all behave yourselves while I’m gone. I may not be watching you with that big retina of mine, but Somebody is.

  2. Stoogelover

    I sure would love to sit on that front porch with you and watch the storms roll in. That was always a favorite time when I’d go back to visit my in-laws in north Alabama … the storms from a front-porch perspective. Hope you have a great visit and a safe drive.

  3. Carolinagirl

    Oh my, I bet that visit will bring a glass or two of sweet tea. Enjoy!

  4. Donna

    Nothing like a front porch conversation….have fun.

    I watched those storms roll in from my patio in the hot tub….yep, spoiled little girl that I am.

  5. Laura

    Fabulous John Denver reference. Franklin County sounds a lot like the Tri-cities. Especially Elizabethton, where my husband is from. enjoy!

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