Category: Current Affairs

Think I’m “Hokey?” Deal With It

Saturday I ran another half-marathon. My time was 1:50:40, a full five minutes faster than February.

But it wasn’t easy. Whereas in February I felt I still had a little gas in the tank at the end, this time I was running on fumes. My calves were knotting up as I slouched toward the finish, but finish I did. Of course, this morning I can barely move, but that’s the price a 45-year-old must pay for such “glory.”

I can remember several times thinking about how hard it was and about how it would be nice just to stop and hang it up and start acting my age.… Read the rest

Two Degrees of Separation

It’s been said that there are no more than six degrees of separation between every person on earth. But when I heard that 32 innocents had died in Monday’s massacre at Virginia Tech, it hit me how large and complex that particular web of relationships would be and how far it would extend across the country and even the world. I grew up in Southwest Virginia and was a graduate student at Virginia Tech and a resident of Blacksburg for 2 years. One of my first thoughts when I heard the news was, that in this particular case, there would likely be no more than two degrees of separation between one of the victims and me.… Read the rest

Play On!

“I can keep myself involved in a good activity instead of keeping quiet, because if I sit alone and be quiet, I will think about my problem.”

— Victor Musa, captain of the Sierra Leone amputee soccer team.

One of my favorite moments in a soccer match occurs when a hard challenge is issued, followed by the resounding thud of a defender colliding with an attacker. In those milliseconds following, all eyes focus on the center ref who must decide in an instant if the tackle was fair or foul. My heart usually races a little when I hear the cry issuing forth above the fray–“Play on!”… Read the rest

This is Neutrality?

swiss-guards.jpgSwitzerland, who has always fed us the line about how “oh, we don’t actually take sides,” finally showed their true colors (and they weren’t red and white) and stepped over the line, so to speak.

This is neutrality? Note to Swiss soldiers: Stand down; we’re on to you now. Just take off those ridiculous, multicolored baggy britches you guys call camo, toss us those Swiss Army knives and stack up your pikes in a big pile right over there.

When I heard the news, I immediately thought about my Swiss-based blogger friend Brady and hoped that he was keeping his head down and was okay.… Read the rest

Same Gospel? Part II

Whatever did we do prior to YouTube?

Here are some clips of Micah Armstrong during his recent mission trip to the University of Alabama as he riffs on the topics of:

By way of contrast, here’s a clip of N.T. Wright at Seattle Pacific University as he weaves a very different-sounding Christian narrative.

Like I said, two different men, two different tactics. It seems to me, though, that there’s a difference between being a “fool for Christ” and being a clown. No wonder everyone’s so confused these days.

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A Bad Weather Day

By now most of you have heard about the nasty weather that blew through Alabama today, including the horrible tornado in Enterprise. We drove through some very bad storms south of Montgomery around 3:30PM. The straight line winds and driving rain were a little unnerving, and we constantly scanned the horizon for any sign of a funnel cloud. Thankfully, we never saw one. But others were not as fortunate.

As we traveled down I-65 today, we were on the phone with my younger sister who lives in Ozark, Alabama about 20 minutes away from Enterprise, the hardest hit area. Her husband is a physician and was at the local hospital there when some of the injured started coming in.… Read the rest

Let the Vetting Begin!

Bruce Feiler responds at length (and very well) to the “Jesus Tomb” controversy.

His interview/debate with Simcha Jacobovici on the CBS Morning Show with Hannah Storm is especially entertaining.

Here’s a money quote from Feiler:

At least Dan Brown called his book fiction. In fact, I prepared to say Hannah, there is more truth in Dan Brown’s fiction than there is in Simcha’s fact.

Ouch. If you’re Simcha Jacobovici, that’s gotta hurt.

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