An Ode to Sheepdogs

sheepdog_001.jpgLet’s hear it for the sheepdogs among us. Watching the backs of the flock and keeping the wolves at bay is often a tedious, thankless task. This morning, I am thankful, and I praise God, for the many men and women the world over who manifest their love of neighbor, and in many cases, their love of God, by baring their fangs and aggressively pursuing and disabling those who resist the love of God and persist in hating their neighbor, even to the point of mass murder.

Perhaps these are the musings of a simpleton. If so, then call me stupid.

  1. Donna

    I too am thankful for the sheepdogs!!

  2. girlfriday

    Our now-dead Border Collie would herd anything. Anything.

    Faith is a sheepdog, my old minister would say.

  3. Mike the Eyeguy

    “Faith is a sheepdog”–I like that.

    Sheepdogs do what they are wired and gifted to do–guard, protect, and if push comes to shove and the flock is threatened, fight.

  4. Nancy

    Thanks for the post. I’m thankful too.

  5. Mike the Eyeguy

    You’re welcome, Nancy. And be sure to pass along my thanks to David too.

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